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发布时间:2021-04-05 21:59:20 阅读: 来源:金属罐厂家

【周末谈】iPhone 来到身边已经 7 年了

时间过的飞快,一转眼,从初代 iPhone 发布到今天,已经整整过去了 7 年,2007 年 1 月 9 日,苹果联合创之人、前苹果 CEO 史蒂夫?乔布斯(Steve Jobs)在 WWDC 上发布了初代 iPhone,就在那一天苹果重新定义了手机。那是一场值得珍藏的发布会,一场载入史册的发布会,在如此重大的时刻,乔老爷子还不忘幽默地开了个玩笑:“我们今天将推出三款革命性的产品,第一个是宽屏触摸式 iPod,第二个是一款革命性的手机,第三个是突破性的互联网通信设备。”说完又将这句话重复了一遍,然后问到:“你们明白了么?这不是三台独立的设备,而是一台设备,我们叫它 iPhone。今天,苹果将要重新定义手机。”点此返回 YouTube 观看这个视频相信不少朋友都已经看过了,但是每一次再看都感慨万千,iPhone 发布后,改变了整个手机行业,昔日巨头 Nokia 的倒塌,Moto 的衰弱,相信都是当年大家万万没有想到的。iPhone 发布前和发布后的手机们7 年过去了,初代 iPhone 也有了后继之人:iPhone 3G、iPhone 3GS、iPhone 4、iPhone 4s、iPhone 5、iPhone 5s、iPhone 5c,每一台都堪称当年的手机业的巅峰之作,说到 iPhone 3GS、iPhone 4 都相信许多朋友都充满了回忆,你的第一台 iPhone 是哪台?你和 iPhone 有哪些故事?分享出来吧!最后附上乔布斯发布 iPhone 时的原话,对照视频享受这历史性的一刻吧。 This is a day I've been looking forward to for two-and-a-half years. Every once in a while, a revolutionary product comes along that changes everything. And Apple has been - well, first of all, one's very fortunate if you get to work on just one of these in your career. Apple's been very fortunate. It's been able to introduce a few of these into the world. 1984, introduced the Macintosh. It didn't just change Apple. It changed the whole computer industry. In 2001, we introduced the first iPod, and it didn't just change the way we all listen to music, it changed the entire music industry. Well, today, we're introducing three revolutionary products of this class. The first one is a widescreen iPod with touch controls. The second is a revolutionary mobile phone. And the third is a breakthrough Internet communications device. So, three things: a widescreen iPod with touch controls; a revolutionary mobile phone; and a breakthrough Internet communications device. An iPod, a phone, and an Internet communicator. An iPod, a phone…are you getting it? These are not three separate devices, this is one device, and we are calling it iPhone. Today, Apple is going to reinvent the phone.Source:iDB



